Vesta Veda

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Ayurvedic Diet for Kapha: How to the Lose the Extra Weight, Plus a Healthy Dessert Recipe

The key to living your best life? Knowing your Ayurvedic dosha. Your dosha is a blueprint for living; it tells you what kind of food, environment and exercise makes you feel the best.

Ayurveda means, “the science of life,” and it is the traditional medical system of India. 

You can live in greater harmony with your body and the natural world when you know your dosha.

According to Ayurveda, the world is composed of five elements: space, air, fire, water and earth.

When the five elements mix and play inside of us, they are called “doshas”.

Dosha’s are energies that govern your body, emotions and mind. 

You have an original dosha that you were born with. And you have a dosha that can be out of balance. Sometimes they are the same dosha. Sometimes not. 

The three doshas are: Kapha (made up of earth & water), Vata (made up of air & space) and Pitta (made up of fire & water). 

If you don’t know your Ayurvedic body-type, take the quiz here.


Earth and water energy make up the Kapha type. You are “earthy” people.

Your body-type is endomorphic. This means your body has more fat than muscle. You put on weight more easily than other doshas and benefit enormously from an Ayurvedic diet for Kapha. On the flip side, you can enjoy a lot of things that other body-types struggle with, like coffee.

This doesn't mean all Kaphas are overweight or can't lose weight. By enjoying an Ayurvedic diet for Kapha and following an intermittent fasting protocol, you can have a strong, lean body too.

For a list of the best and worst foods for Kapha types, click the button below and print a one-page guide.

Chill is the Best Word to Describe a Kapha Type

Kaphas are peacekeepers; you’re the kid that never picked a fight in the sandpit and always kept the peace. You’re the friend people go to for a hug and guidance. You’re the mom who is unwavering in her love for her kids (some may even say smothering!)

The elephant, rhinoceros, blue whale, brontosaurus, and bear are your animal totems.

You excel at farming, horticulture and most kinds of manual labor. You are also phenomenal nurses, midwives, hospice care workers, lawyers and doctors. No one has more emotional and mental resilience than a Kapha.

Five Things Only Kaphas Will Understand

  1. You can go the whole day without eating but once you start eating, it’s hard to stop.

  2. You don’t get how some people can eat anything they want and won’t gain a pound.

  3. Dude, exercising is like the last thing on your mind …… how about a little more time in bed instead?

  4. You can’t leave a party without someone spilling their life story to you and thanking you for your guidance and support.

  5. You rarely get sick but when you do, it often includes a lot of phlegm, chest congestion and sinus stuff.


There’s a tendency for you to hold on to things, people, memories or relationships. Codependency and hoarding are two examples of Kapha outta whack. 

Kaphas are:

  • Steady, with tons of strength and endurance

  • Relaxed, naturally warm, and don’t get angry easily

  • Long, deep sleepers

It’s Super Kapha To:

  • Seek emotional comfort from eating

  • Mull things over for a long time before making a decision

  • Wake up slowly and lie in bed a long time before rising

Signs a Kapha Needs a Good Reset:

  • You become lethargic

  • You get a lot of sinus, chest, lung congestions and infections

  • You oversleep and feel groggy in general


Get up Early and Move

  • Get up early. Move your body and do anything that gets your heart-rate up. Jump rope. Trampoline. Jumping jacks. Sex. Dancing. Vigorous walks. Vigorous yoga. Sweat. And sweat some more. 20 minutes is good.


  • Kapha symptoms include phlegm and congestion. Easy ways to decrease congestion is for Kaphas to lay off dairy, gluten and red meat and cut down on salt. Add spices like cayenne, garlic, black pepper, cloves, cinnamon in your food. Go big on spices.

  • Honey is your best friend. Honey warms and moves congestion. Hot lemon, water and honey is your before bed ritual. Lemon and honey also reduce sugar cravings. 

Dine Lighter & Earlier

  • Your mantra is, less is more.

  • Think light and crunchy. Beans over meat. Greens over root vegetables. Dairy and too much salt and sugar are not in your best interest. 


Ayurvedic Diet for Kapha


You do way better with little to no breakfast at all. It takes some getting used to at first, but skipping meals is safe and healthy for you. In fact, if you eat a little less, your body will thrive. If you do choose to enjoy breakfast, keep it light, fresh and small. Fruit for breakfast is a greeeat idea! 

Breakfast ideas: cut up fruit, fruit smoothie, baked apple.


Lunch is where it’s at for Kaphas. Go big and make lunch the main meal of the day. Make steamed and sautéed veggies the star players on your plate. Opt for “white” meats like fish, turkey and chicken if eating animal protein. 

Lunch ideas: 

  • A simple vegetable soup made with vegetables like onions, garlic, broccoli, celery, carrots, green beans, and asparagus. 

  • Corn tacos with spiced black beans and green peppers

  • Steamed halibut with potatoes 

  • Asparagus Soup


Make dinner half the size of lunch. Enjoy the living bejesus out of soups and vegetarian stews with lentils. The healthiest most surefire way to lose weight is to have an earlier, lighter dinner.

Dinner ideas:

  • Three bean chili

  • Steamed fish with eggplant

  • Red Lentils and summer squash

  • Turkey burgers with iceberg salad

Honey Turmeric Truffle Recipe 

Anti-inflammatory, low-sugar recipe that’s great for Kaphas. Go for this delicious treat when your sweet tooth hits. You can even have this dessert before your main meal because according to Ayurveda, you’re following the first principle to perfect digestion!

  • 1 1/3 cup turmeric powder

  • 1/2 cup raw honey

  • 1/4 cup coconut oil

  • 2 tsp black pepper

  • 2 tsp ginger powder

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl, using your hands. Mix into a paste. Roll out dime-sized balls and store in an air-tight glassware or plastic container.

For a list of the best and worst foods for Kapha types, click the button below and print a one-page guide.