Vesta Veda

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Top 5 Gut Healing Ayurvedic Herbs

Ayurveda has secrets. Secrets I want to share on how to heal your digestion.

In the West, we’ve grown accustomed to looking for chemical remedies to resolve our health concerns. Most people expect or even demand that a medication be prescribed when they visit a doctor’s office. I’ve seen it firsthand for year’s, listening to the many patients who’ve come through my dad’s family practice office in South Florida.

This is not the Ayurvedic way. Drugs can be life-saving and of great benefit in acute situations.

….. but for chronic conditions like IBS, gastritis, and food sensitivities, Ayurveda solves them by addressing the key imbalances in your physiology.

Herbs are used not just to alleviate symptoms but to harmonize any imbalances causing your symptoms.

Below are the top 5 Ayurvedic herbs that benefit digestion.

  1. Amalaki relieves irritations the GI tract and stabilizes blood-sugar irregularities. Great for Pitta Dosha.

  2. Bibihitaki has strong but safe laxative properties and reduces Kapha in the digestive organs. Great for Kapha Dosha.

  3. Chitrak reduces hyperacidity and toxicity accumulated in the stomach. It facilitates absorption and and prevents stagnation in the GI tract. Great for Kapha Dosha.

  4. Dhanyaka (or Coriander) is great for acidity, colitis, gastritis and IBS. Great for Pitta dosha and Pitta conditions.

  5. Lavanga (cloves) is great for heating and energizing the digestion and is good for Vata types or vata conditions where there is too much cold or lack of hunger.

You can buy these herbs here or here. (Ayurspirit is a company I like started by one of my teachers at Sampoorna Ayurvedic College.)

To get the most effective results, make sure to work with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner when taking Ayurvedic herbs.